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Thinking positive is the foundation to success. Having the ability to look at any task or situation and approach it with a positive demeanor is a skill that can lead to many wonderful things. Yet the process of gaining a positive mindset is one that eludes many. Every day that you wake up and take your first breath of a new day you have something to be positive about. But in many cases when a bad day strikes it's due to the pattern that was set at the beginning of the day. Waking up on the good or bad side of the bed will determine whether or not the day ahead of you will be good or bad. It is for this reason that you must set your day in motion on a positive track with an inspirational quote filled with positivity.
If you start the day off with a quote, no matter if it's funny, serious, realistic, or based in fantasy, it will set your day in motion with words that can guide your day positively. Just like how when you first wake up your eyes must focus, when you first wake up your mind must focus. Developing mental clarity by starting your day first with an inspirational quote is just like putting your glasses on the moment you wake up, setting the focus of your sight clearly so you can see the path that you plan to take. Start your day off with the wise words of those you admire or even the words you have penned yourself and your thought process throughout the day will be more positive in nature.
But the positivity that a quote, or inspirational words can bring is not limited to the morning. If you start your day off with a quote, this is a very effective way to get on track, but to stay on track revisit those words regularly. Whether it's keeping the "quote of the day" penned on a piece of paper you carry, or simply repeating the words of inspiration quietly to yourself, keeping fresh in mind the positive words that have led you to a positive path for the day will further reinforce your decision to follow that path.
Every day that you wake up is a wonderful gift, show appreciation for that gift and taking each day to infuse your life with positive words, doing this you yourself will be infused with a positive mindset.
Bonnie McFarlane on The Toughest Language…
I don’t want to brag, but I do speak pig Latin; I mean, I’m not fluent, but I’m sure if I ever went there, I could get by.
Bonnie McFarlane
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